Monday, June 1, 2009

Spring Project

The flower beds in the front of our house were just disasterous. We finally got around to fixing them up. Unfortunatly I didn't take a picture until we had atleast cleaned out all the debris and dead plants - but I still think the pictures show how much better it looks!


The GIANT pile of dirt that Adam had delivered to the house to fill in the new flower beds (2-3 times more than we needed!)

Owen hanging out outside with me as I filled up the flower beds with dirt. I found him a cool spot in the shade to watch.

Ta- Da!!! We are very please with how it all turned out.
We also did the small flower beds on the other side of the sidewalk.


  1. Megan and Adam!! this looks SO nice!!! I know it was a lot of work- but WOW!!! Awesome job! Makes such a difference! And Owen, you look awesome too! Love, Nana

  2. Great look for the front of you home. Glad you ordered plenty of dirt. May be you could have a garage sale to sell the remainder!

    Luck you Owen this job is done!!!

    Love Papa
