So it was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and we were just hanging out waiting for Owen to wake up from his morning nap so we could go to the pool. It was just then that a small moth came flying around the kitchen, I trapped it in the fly swatter and asked Adam to finish the job. By finish the job... I meant kill the moth, remove it from the house and leave the house intact. But instead my wonderful husband went at the moth with such force in defending his family that he punched a hole right through the kitchen window, sending glass everywhere. For several minutes afterwards we listened as the glass fell to the ground outside and shattered.
did I mention.... the moth survived the assault.

Adam showing his "handy" work.

My loving husband hoping that I will plug the shop vac in for him to vacuum up the glass that is all over the outside. How convienent that we now have a hole in our house that makes this so much easier!

a proud moment

The garbage disposal was filled with broken glass as well and broke. But adam fixed it quickly.

The happy dance after the garbage disposal was working again.

Working on taking the old window out - not an easy task.

Nice work babe!

Owen mesmerized by Daddy working to replae the window. He couldn't take his eyes off him!

He didn't move the entire time he was out there. He wanted to know just what daddy was doing.

Sawing away the siding of our house to get the old window out. In the end he did it and hung the new window which looks amazing. All in all it wasn't too bad - Adam learned out to install a window, we replaced 1 of 20+ windows in our house that need replacing, and the moth lived to fly another day.
Hopefully the moth has found a safe place to live and eat, like Adam's suites!
ReplyDeleteGramma says way to go Adam!
Love Papa