Monday, January 26, 2009

I can sit!!!

LOVING to sit!!!

You can't expect me to sit and learn how to hit my drum in the same day!

I want to put that camera that you are holding in my mouth... I am sure it will help my gums

This looks different that it did when I was on my back all the time.

I can sit!!!

South Carolina Trip

My grandfather passed away on January 15 and we drove down to South Carolina for the funeral. It was a sad time for everyone but it gave our family a chance to all be together to remember him. We left Denver on the afternoon of the 14th in hopes of getting down there in time to say goodbye and for him to meet Owen, sadly we didn't make it in time but we were very glad we could be there with gramma and the rest of the family.

Owen and Gramma Great

Owen loves his Gramma Great

All 6 cousins together (Allie, Maddie, Anna, Nathan, Owen, Lylah) - if only there could have been a video camera capturing what was going on behind the cameras... it would explain why Owen looks the way he does.

Family Dinner

Cousin Nathan - what a cutie

The three baby cousins hanging out in the baby section at the Children's Museum.

As the only 2 boys - Nathan and Owen might need to stick together!

Lylah, Nathan, & Owen - riding along on their ducks

Adam, Owen, & cousin Allie at the Children's Museum grocery store.

"I'm king of the world!"
seconds later Owen had two giant fistfulls of Maddie's hair in his hands...

Papa trying to introduce ketchup...

I love my daddy

This is fun!

Owen and Lylah - taking their time in the morning.

Auntie Karen and Owen

Uncle Greg and Owen

Four Generations

Monday, January 12, 2009

Learning to eat

Figuring out how the sippy cup works and testing out some water.

trying to eat (or wear) some sweet potatoes

this is what happens when Owen skips a nap...

Christmas 2008

Christmas Eve - getting ready to go over to the Masiello's for a party. Owen some how got pink eye on Christmas Eve and was still recovering from croup and RSV so he didn't feel all that well for his first Christmas.

Owen's first Christmas morning (which followed a night of no sleep - for anyone!)

naked baby!

Adam's parents came in to visit the day after Christmas, Owen was very happy to see them

Owen and Grandma

Ozzie taught him to eat everything he can find

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Holiday Happenings

what a smile!

Picking out Owen's first Christmas tree

Our three boys

Our first real Christmas tree - it only fell over once!

In the middle of the night after our trip to the ER

Owen and his cousins, Maddie and Anna getting ready to go see Santa!

Owen and Daddy waiting in line to meet Santa for the first time

Owen and cousin Lylah with their dads getting ready for the big guy

No tears! yeah Owen!

One of our midwives, Cassie came over to visit Owen just before Christmas and to see how much he has grown